When you finish your move, you’re going to be exhausted. You’ll just want to unpack and enjoy your new home. But you can’t. You still have to clean your old place for the new owners or tenants.
If you can, we’d recommend just hiring a cleaning service. Moving is so time-consuming that you don’t need the extra commitment. But, if you don’t want to hire a service, you can make the process easier by tidying in advance.
This will help the movers work faster. Get everything off the floor and within easy reach so it’s easier for your friends, family, or movers to pick up. Throw out anything you don’t use, since there’s no reason to pay to move it.
This is a quick and cheap fix that makes the whole house look fresh. Don’t bother cleaning old plastic- you can buy new covers for only cents, and it will make the place look completely refreshed for the new tenants!